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Discsussion 16

Discsussion 16

Q Discussion - Albert Bandura and Observational Learning - Discussion Group 1 From PSYC-01A-52041 Albert Bandura mixed cognitive theory with behavioral theory to explain observational learning (modeling) and self-regulation. Read the following article on Albert Bandura and write a response summarizing the four steps involved in the modeling process. Make your reply at least 250-300 words. If you like, this assignment would be good practice for writing a reaction paper. Respond to at least two other students in 75-100 words. Note: Click the options button in the upper right corner to see the rubric for this exercise. "Accomplishment is socially judged by ill defined criteria so that one has to rely on others to find out how one is doing." - Albert Bandura

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Hello Classmates, This article was a very interesting read. I have never even heard of Albert Bandura. He is a well known psychologist who mixed cognitive theory with behavioral theory to explain what he observed in learning (modeling) and self regulation. Albert Bandura was the psychologist who first demonstrated observational learning in a 1961 research experiment. Bandura's work identified four steps in the modeling process.